June 17, 2020

The Sun, Photoaging, and Cancer

Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin is almost irresistible, especially when us Coloradans are blessed with over 300 days of sunlight. Sunlight converts vitamin D to its active form and improves your mood. What is there not to love? The answer to that would be sun damage and possibly skin cancer.

When you spend too much time in the sun without adequate protection you start the grueling process of skin damage. This can make you appear older than your chronological age and increase your risk of skin cancer. The typical signs of photoaging are loss of elasticity and collagen, irregular pigmentation, or sunspots. The medical and aesthetic professionals at PureLee Redefined have you protected when the sun wreaks havoc on your skin.

The photoaging effects of sunlight

It’s easy to blame aging for the skin flaws that appear on your face. You may expect to develop fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven coloration over time, but it always seems they arrive sooner than you hoped. That’s because it’s likely sun exposure accelerated the processes. Some estimates place the blame for about 90% of the visible changes to your skin solely on sunlight.

Ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths do most of the damage, though visible and infrared light contribute as well. UVA rays are most responsible for the changes that result in photoaging due to their effects on the middle layers of your skin, the dermis. This is where collagen and elastin reside, substances that give your skin volume and elasticity, respectively.

Damage to these tissues starts a process that affects your body’s natural regenerative process. Each subsequent excessive sun exposure damages more tissue until the collagen matrix starts to fail, resulting in wrinkles and tough, leathery skin.

Breaking the sun damage cycle

Avoiding damage from the sun takes consistent discipline. Preventing this kind of damage is a matter of taking simple measures of precaution. Our first tip would be to apply a well formulated, broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Opt for wearing protective gear such as a hat and long sleeve shirts when weather permits.

The aesthetics team at PureLee Redefined are sunspot experts and Drs. Kenya Lee and Marvin Lee will evaluate any suspicious skin lesions they find. Call the office for an appointment at 719-452-8541 or use the online appointment tool today.


About the Author

PureLee Redefined is an aesthetics spa in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that offers clients innovative aesthetic treatments with long-lasting results for patients with all skin types.

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