May 12, 2020

Fight Acne the Right Way

Acne is a nearly ubiquitous condition affecting over 50 million Americans. Sebum and bacteria are the major etiologic factors, but hormones can also wreak havoc on acne prone skin. 

Acne Home Care – Basic cleansing

Follicles clogged with a mixture of bacteria, sebum produced by the sebaceous gland, mixed with dead skin cells initiate inflammation in the skin. Controlling oily skin and shedding skin cells is the first task to master. Cleanse your skin twice a day using a gentle cleanser and avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can damage your skin and make your acne worse. Resist bursting or popping pimples as this could spread oil and bacteria, cause more inflammation and scarring. 

Other beneficial acne treatments might contain:

  • Benzoyl peroxide has anti-bacterial, oil absorbing qualities.
  • Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and is sometimes recommended for those with more “sensitive skin”
  • Sulfur masks have drying properties that absorb extra oil and bacteria, reducing the inflammation and overall size of the lesion.
  • Retinoids like Refissa (Retin A) prevents follicular congestion

Patience is paramount when treating acne, and it could take several weeks before you see results; sometimes, your acne may actually get worse before it gets better.  

Preventative Modifications for Acne

  • Avoid hair care products that are continually in contact with your hairline and face and may be clogging your pores.
  • Remove makeup with an oil cleanse (not makeup wipes as they can be damaging and tugging to your skin) and cleanse your skin thoroughly before bed
  • Eat an anti-inflammatory diet that is low in processed foods and refined sugars. Limit your consumption of dairy and gluten.
  • Change your pillow case 2-3 times a week to prevent excess bacteria. Opting for a silk pillow case will decrease bacteria production.

There are many different modalities to effectively fight and prevent acne. To figure out what’s right for you, the team at PureLee Redefined can help.  Dr. Kenya Lee and Dr. Marvin Lee provide medical treatments for active outbreaks and cosmetic procedures to clear the damage of earlier episodes.


About the Author

PureLee Redefined is an aesthetics spa in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that offers clients innovative aesthetic treatments with long-lasting results for patients with all skin types.

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