Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP Therapy)
Colorado Springs, CO

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, therapy is a revolutionary anti-aging treatment that can subtract years from your appearance. Our PRP therapy in Colorado Springs, CO uses platelets with healing powers derived from your own blood to enhance collagen production and create younger-looking skin. At PureLee Redefined in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Marvin Lee, MD, Kenya Lee, MD, and the aesthetics team offer PRP facials and other innovative anti-aging procedures that make you feel confident about your skin. Schedule a consultation with PureLee Redefined by phone or online today.


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP therapy, uses platelets derived from your blood to rejuvenate skin and give you the youthful beauty you desire. Your provider injects PRP into strategic points beneath your skin or spreads PRP over your skin after a microneedling needling facial.

What are the benefits of PRP?

  • Some of the numerous benefits of PRP therapy for anti-aging include:
    Diminished acne scars Improvements in your complexion
  • Rejuvenated skin
  • Fewer lines and wrinkles
  • Skin tightening
  • Reductions in deep skin creases

In addition to using Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy as an aesthetics treatment, physicians utilize it to enhance healing in athletes with injuries. PRP also speeds up wound healing.

After reviewing your medical history and completing a skin evaluation, your aesthetics specialist lets you know if you’re a good candidate for PRP therapy in Colorado Springs, CO.

What should I expect during PRP treatment?

PRP treatment is a multiple-step process that includes:

A blood draw

Your provider takes a sample of your blood and spins it in a centrifuge to separate platelets from the rest of your blood.

PRP injections or facials

After your doctor obtains concentrated PRP, they inject it into areas of your skin affected by aging or spread it over the skin after microneedling. Microneedling is a procedure that creates tiny skin punctures to enhance collagen and elastin production.

The entire PRP procedure may take about 45-60 minutes to complete.

What happens after the procedure?

There’s little to no downtime after platelet-rich plasma therapy, so you can resume normal everyday activities right away. You might experience swelling, slight bruising, or tenderness that subsides within a few days. Use an ice pack or over-the-counter pain relievers when needed to enhance comfort. You’ll notice the full effects of PRP treatment within a few weeks or months.

Results from PRP therapy can last 18 months. Your doctor lets you know how often to schedule PRP or other cosmetic treatments to optimize anti-aging results. They might recommend a series of three or more treatments initially.

Am I a good candidate for PRP?

Although PRP therapy is safe and effective for most people, you might not be a good candidate for the procedure if you have HIV, AIDs, hepatitis C, blood cancer, skin cancer, or take blood-thinning medications.

To find out if PRP or another aesthetic procedure is right for you, schedule an appointment with PureLee Redefined by phone or online today.

Areas served:

Receive the best in thoughtful skin care.

Ready to make an appointment for Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP Therapy)? To schedule a service, please give us a call at (719) 452-8541 or use the button below to book online now.

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